Monday 1 September 2014

Story Writing

My name is Lurk and I have been on this horrible pile of water and dirt known as Earth for too long, specifically fourteen days. Stupid ship ran out of fuel while I was on way to the milky way for a milk shake. I do have my two best friends here though, their names are Groom and Starlight. Groom Is a male and Starlight is female, and just if you are wondering I am a male too. We have been in my ship the entire fourteen days and we have been living on the life supplies in the back of the ship. Unfortunately we ran out of supplies today and we have to leave the ship and go outside to see if there is anything we can kill find or contain a form of food or drink.

Before we exit the ship I check the scanners on the ships control pannel to check if the planet has an atmosphere that provides oxygen. I was glad to find that the planet does supply oxygen and told Groom and Starlight that we could leave but we could only go a couple of crumblenaughts from the ship which on Earth they call them kms. As we open the main hatch to leave the ship Starlight starts to cry.
"Whats wrong, are you ok?" Groom says to try and comfort her because he has liked her four years.

I think we got about one crumblenaught from the ship when I saw a slight flash in the distance. Groom turned to see what it was while Starlight hit behind a nearby rock. Groom then grabbed my head and forced me to look in the direction of the flash and I was more shocked then I have ever been before when I saw a....

HUMAN!!!! I have read about them and researched them at school and stuff but I have never seen one in real life. It was wearing somekind of baggey material on it's upper body and the same but tight different kind of material that fully covered it's lower body. Groom started to run back to the ship but stopped a second later ran to the rock that Starlight was hiding behind, grabbed her hand and dragged her across the ground back in the direction of the ship. I stood there staring at the human for about five seconds before I started to trail behind Groom and Starlight back to the ship.

"I think we lost the human," I claimed speaking with no breath as we had just run more than I would have wanted.
"Groom thank you for saving me back there," Starlight said in a soft voice to Groom.
"It was nothing."

The End

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