Tuesday 23 September 2014

PEEL Paragraph

Rimu is the best house at TIS

Rimu is the best house at TIS because of its advanced learning. Firstly, this is true because we use laptops and we get to use the internet to try and find the answers to difficult questions. Like the time the teacher gave us a blog post and we had to search the internet to find the answer and it took the whole class about 20 minutes to find the answer. Secondly, Rimu has a very strict learning environment when it comes to learning time. Like in class if you are caught talking you get put on the last man standing which is a system where if you talk you get put on the board and if you are on the board at the end of the day you are not allowed to bring your laptop to school the next day. Finally, Rimu is always learning new things. This is because the teachers in Rimu house always come up with something brand new to tach us every day. Like when we were doing how to end a story and the very next day we were taught how to use complex sentences. So with that said Rimu is the most advanced house at TIS.  

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