Monday 10 February 2014

How to be me in the morning

1. Firstly you will get up in the morning at 6:40 and have a shower.

2. Do not feel hungry and have no breakfast.

3. Secondly you shall get into your uniform then you need to make your lunch and in your lunch you have to have sandwiches x2 an apple and a packet of chips.

4. Then put your lunchbox in your bag and pack up your charger and laptop and place it in the compartment in your bag for a laptop.

5. Put your P.E uniform in your bag and zip it up [if you have any notices or finished homework put that in your bag to]

6. Now you must get out a book you have been reading and read it until you leave for school when your  mum or dad says we are off.

7. In the car tell your parent what you think you are going to do at school and ask how you are going to get home.

8. Get to school at 7:30 and go and wait outside until your friends arrive.

And that is how you be me in the morning.

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