Sunday 9 March 2014

Your and You're

1. Your and You're are Homophones because they are pronounced the same but have different meanings and are spelled different.

2. You use "your" when you are saying something that is someone else's like "your comic."
You use you're when you are saying something on the lines of "you're wrong."

3. Write 3 example sentences using your and 3 example sentences using you’re. These sentences should be about YOU and your life.

"You need to use your soap Trey."
"You're using too much soap Trey"

"Trey, Your dog needs to be feed."
"Trey!!! You're not listening to me."

"Trey your comic is in good condition."
"You're good at keeping comic clean."

4. Write 2 sentences OF YOUR OWN which contain both your and you’re.

"Your leg is broken and you're taking it very well."
"Trey, you're feeding your cat right."

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