Wednesday, 24 September 2014

PEEL Paragraph

My Dad:

My Dad is the ultimate father because he is thoughtful. Firstly, my dad is thoughtful because he pays attention to everything that others say. Like Christmas last year when about 5 months before christmas I said that a Martian Manhunter model looked cool and on christmas day I opened the rapping and it was The Martian Manhunter model. Secondly, My Dad is thoughtful because he can always tell when I or anyone else is sad. Like the time when I came home and just casually walked into my room and about 2 minutes later my Dad came i and said "Whats Wrong," and I was stunned that he knew I was hiding something. Finally,  My Dad can make me anyone absolutely over the moon when they are down. I say this because of the time when my brother hurt himself my dad in five minutes had my brother smiling and playing around and all Dad had to do was be himself, and i love him for that. In conclusion my dad is the most thoughtful person in the world.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

PEEL Paragraph

Rimu is the best house at TIS

Rimu is the best house at TIS because of its advanced learning. Firstly, this is true because we use laptops and we get to use the internet to try and find the answers to difficult questions. Like the time the teacher gave us a blog post and we had to search the internet to find the answer and it took the whole class about 20 minutes to find the answer. Secondly, Rimu has a very strict learning environment when it comes to learning time. Like in class if you are caught talking you get put on the last man standing which is a system where if you talk you get put on the board and if you are on the board at the end of the day you are not allowed to bring your laptop to school the next day. Finally, Rimu is always learning new things. This is because the teachers in Rimu house always come up with something brand new to tach us every day. Like when we were doing how to end a story and the very next day we were taught how to use complex sentences. So with that said Rimu is the most advanced house at TIS.  

Monday, 22 September 2014

PEEL Paragraph

Being a mum is easy:

Being a Mum is easy if you have children over the age of nine. This is because little kids under nine years old tend to throw tantrums while older children just cant be bothered causing a scene any where. For example I have family friend and they had a 4 year old boy and a 11 year old girl and I went to the super market and when the 4 year old was not aloud to get what he wanted he started to cry and scream and just make his mum angry. Then there was the 11 year old who was not aloud to get something and they just said "Fine," and it was done. Secondly, if you have a child under the age of nine they might not make sense at all when they are trying to tell you something like when I was sitting at the dinner table with my 5 year old brother he was trying to tell me something and he cant pronounce words that easily and I had no clue what he was saying. Finally eating vegetables, kids under nine HATE vegetables  while older children just happily eat them with no problem. Like the time my family were eating dinner and I ate all my dinner and my brother refused to even touch him pumpkin. So with that said being a mum is easier when you have a child over nine years old.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

How to write a paragraph

Mr Diver is a successful principal because he can relate to others. He knows how to interact nicely to people of all ages like when he comes in the morning and plays hand-ball with the kids and cheats to make them all laugh. Secondly Mr Diver always offers to give good well thought out advice to help others like the time when he was telling a student to take their running shoes off because all of the teachers would question them and the kid thought that it was good advice. Finally Mr Diver will always do the best he can to benefit the school and the students. He did this by founding the Aims Games, which is a competition that other schools around the North Island and some schools across the country which has more competitors that the Commonwealth Games. Plus he always expects us to do the best we can and try to win. Over all Mr Diver has had a lot of time to perfect relating to others.


What percentage of the vote did each party win?
Votes % Seats

National Party1,010,46448.0641

Labour Party519,14624.6927

Green Party210,76410.020

New Zealand First Party186,0318.850

Māori Party27,0741.291

ACT New Zealand14,5100.691

United Future4,5330.221

Internet MANA26,5391.26000
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party8,5390.41000
Democrats for Social Credit1,6090.08000
The Civilian Party9060.04000
NZ Independent Coalition8950.04000
Focus New Zealand         

Who is the Tauranga MP and which party is he/she from?
Simon Bridges who is in the National party.

Who came 2nd and 3rd for Tauranga?
2nd Clayton Mitchell and 3rd Rachel Jones.

Who is the BOP MP and which party is he/she from?
Todd Muller

How many people voted?
More than 2.4 million people voted in the 2014 election.

Who is the current Minister for Education?
Hekia Parata and he is with the National Party

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Election Rules

When is election day?
The election day is Saturday 20th of September

What hours can you vote on election day?
You can vote before the election but a lot of people vote a day before the election is held. You have to vote between 9am-7pm.

What date does this year’s election officially end?
The election officially ends on the 4th of October because the day after the find out who won the election.

Why does it there a gap between election day and when the election ends?
So they have time to count up the vote or find out who has more sets in parliament. 

Summarise each of these rules for election day in your own words.
You have to take down your hoardings around public areas that have advertisement for the party you choose after the election. You are prohibited to have anything on your car that influences the election. You can have a sign that promotes your party but you cant say vote for your party on it. It is also prohibited to deliver election material which means mail. You can keep your posts on the internet but you can not put up new posts on election day. The electoral rules do not let any person at any time on election day, before 7pm, from holding or taking part in any demonstration or public address apparatus that has direct or indirect reference to the election. You can wear a party badge or rosette on your shirt or clothing on election day but it can't have the party name on it. No t-shirts but you can wear the party colours. You can not hand out cards that look like a ballet card. You are not aloud to try and influence people to vote for your party at all. You are aloud to vote for themselves but they can not hang around when others are voting. You are not aloud to campaign or try to influence people when they are just about to vote.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014


Which electorate do you live within?
I live in the Bay of plenty 

List the candidates for the Tauranga electorate and the Bay of Plenty electorate.

Bay of Plenty

  • Deborah Cunliffe (Conservative)
  • Raymond Dolman (NZ First)
  • Tracy Livingston (NZIC)
  • Todd Muller (National)
  • Ben Rickard (United Future)
  • Clare Wilson (Labour)

  • Simon Bridges (National)
  • Nathaniel Heslop (Conservative) 
  • Rachel Jones (Labour)
  • Rusty Kane (Independent)
  • Yvette Lamar (Independent)
  • Ian McLean (Green)
  • James Maxwell (United future)
  • Clayton Mitchell (NZ first)
  • Vema Ohia-gate (Mauri)
  • Michael O'neal (NZIC)
  • Stuart Pedersen (Act)

Which candidate would you vote for and why?
I would vote for Rachel Jones due to the fact that she is in labour which is what my nana voted for and I think that I would have voted for Labour.

How long has the Tauranga electorate existed?
139 years

Has the Tauranga MP over its history been mainly National or mainly Labour?

When was the last election?
The last election was last held November 8th 2012

When was Winston Peters the MP for Tauranga?
Peters was the MP for Tauranga from July-8th of march 1993.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Mixed Member Proportional (MMP)

MMP is the system we use now to elect our Parliament. Each voter gets two votes. The first vote is for the political party the voter chooses. This is called the party vote. The second vote is to choose the MP the voter wants to represent the electorate they live in.

This system has also been used in Germany for over sixty years. MMP is also used in the UK but they call it AMS which stand for Additional member system . The Electorate MPs are elected using the First Past the Post voting system (FPP). The person who gets the most votes wins. The winning person does not have to get more than half the votes to win. 

Monday, 15 September 2014

Civilian Party

Make Wellington airport safe by moving it to Christchurch. Defend the traditional institution of marriage as the union between one man and volumetric flask. Reform the justice system so that every citizen s required to prove why they shouldn't be in prison. Issue a formal apology to Australia's aboriginal population. Maintain NZ's long-term commitment to free nuclear energy.

  1. An acceptable party name (and any abbreviation).
  2. Satisfactory evidence of at least 500 eligible members.
  3. Statutory declarations from its party secretary concerning membership, intention to contest general elections and advising of any component parties.
  4. Party membership rules showing what is required for current financial membership, and candidate selection rules which provide for the democratic involvement of members in the process.
  5. An auditor (or person who has agreed to be auditor when the party is registered).
  6. A party secretary with a postal address and contact details.
  7. Either the secretary, or a sitting MP who is a current financial member of the party, to make the application.
  8. $500 application fee.


HEALTH: All children under five have all medical situations free.

EDUCATION: Children on teenagers are not aloud to drop out of school until they reach the age of 16.

DEFENCE: All Citizens over the age of 18 have to learn martial arts for 2 months

BUSINESS: Citizens who are starting their own business get a loan of 2000 dollars toward there business costs and receiving their stock.

ELDERLY: Citizens over 75 get there entree meals free and discounts on all other meals.

ENVIRONMENT: There will be a day devoted to cleaning up the streets all day and everyone has to pick up 20 pieces of rubbish every hour to help with NZ's rubbish issue.


Ice-cream on Saturdays are free to children under ten.

Every citizen that votes each year for the election receives 5 dollars.

There will be a day in NZ like the day in the US for a free Comic Book on July 31st known as Comic Book Day

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Army Dialogue

"I CAN'T SLUGGER, WE NEED TO GET BEHIND COVER!!!!!" Screamed my friend Storm.
"Ok, now what we have to do is take out the left group of men and the right group of men."
"If we can get you behind that tree, you will have a perfect line up with your Sniper Riffle."
"And you can stay here and wait for me to take down the group of men on the right, we can move to where they were and take out the group of men on the left."
"When do you want me to attack sir?"
"If I go now I am going to get shot the second I leave this spot."
 "I don't care!!! don't you want to die fighting or die whimpering in a corner waiting for someone else to do the job for you!!"
"At this point I have no clue what I want to do."
"Well I do, so get your butt in the field and defend your country !"
"Fine just cause you said it so nicely."

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Story Writing Two

Why was I dumb enough to get on the wrong plane. I am now In India, I'm sorry I have no clue where I am in India because I can not speak their language. I have been here for about two hours now and I have just sat on a chair looking out at the view for about ten minutes now and the rest of the time before I was rushing around the airport trying to find someone who spoke english, there was no one who did unfortunately. Luckily I had my little brother finn with me who was thirteen, his friend who was twelve and me I'm eighteen. My brother and his friend are getting worried, I am even getting worried but i have to keep a cool mind for the two guys. I looked in my bag to see if the lady at the flight infomation centre could read and get me on the correct flight but as I searched through my bag I realised that I lost my passport.

The good thing is is that Finn and his friend Bob did not lose their passports so we aventually got an english person who could speak their language arrived from a flight and he was willing to help us. So in about an hour later we were on the correct flight and we were heading back to Japan.

The End

Monday, 1 September 2014

Story Writing

My name is Lurk and I have been on this horrible pile of water and dirt known as Earth for too long, specifically fourteen days. Stupid ship ran out of fuel while I was on way to the milky way for a milk shake. I do have my two best friends here though, their names are Groom and Starlight. Groom Is a male and Starlight is female, and just if you are wondering I am a male too. We have been in my ship the entire fourteen days and we have been living on the life supplies in the back of the ship. Unfortunately we ran out of supplies today and we have to leave the ship and go outside to see if there is anything we can kill find or contain a form of food or drink.

Before we exit the ship I check the scanners on the ships control pannel to check if the planet has an atmosphere that provides oxygen. I was glad to find that the planet does supply oxygen and told Groom and Starlight that we could leave but we could only go a couple of crumblenaughts from the ship which on Earth they call them kms. As we open the main hatch to leave the ship Starlight starts to cry.
"Whats wrong, are you ok?" Groom says to try and comfort her because he has liked her four years.

I think we got about one crumblenaught from the ship when I saw a slight flash in the distance. Groom turned to see what it was while Starlight hit behind a nearby rock. Groom then grabbed my head and forced me to look in the direction of the flash and I was more shocked then I have ever been before when I saw a....

HUMAN!!!! I have read about them and researched them at school and stuff but I have never seen one in real life. It was wearing somekind of baggey material on it's upper body and the same but tight different kind of material that fully covered it's lower body. Groom started to run back to the ship but stopped a second later ran to the rock that Starlight was hiding behind, grabbed her hand and dragged her across the ground back in the direction of the ship. I stood there staring at the human for about five seconds before I started to trail behind Groom and Starlight back to the ship.

"I think we lost the human," I claimed speaking with no breath as we had just run more than I would have wanted.
"Groom thank you for saving me back there," Starlight said in a soft voice to Groom.
"It was nothing."

The End