Wednesday, 10 December 2014

My Holiday Plan

This is a table I created on what I could do in the holidays that is under $100 my total is $64.50

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

My Christmas puzzle

In class we had to create a christmas puzzle and I made a dot to dot 

Can YOU solve it???????

Here is the link to the website I made it on link 

Monday, 8 December 2014


For this blog post we had to find Christmas gifts for our family and our budget was $300 (not real money)

I would buy this xbox one game for my dad because he has wanted this game since it came out
Price= $84.99 and shipping is free off trade me.

This Gift is for my Brother Finn because he is very fond of superheros and he has seen this in the shop before and he said "Can I buy this" quite a few times.
Price= $21.32 this is also free shipping

This is for my step mum Andrea due to the fact that she likes to sit outside while reading her magazines.
Price= $140.00 The shipping price is free only with a buy now purchase