Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Do Videos Affect your Eyesight

For my science fair last year my friend Ryan and I did Do Video Games Effect your Eyesight.

Aim: My aim was to find out if Video games do effect your eyesight of if it was just an old tale.
Hypothesis: Video Games do effect your eyesight but not as much as people say they do. 
Introduction: Video Games have been said by people that the effect your eyes and turn them square.
Equipment and method: Ryan and I used an Eye-chart and an X-box 360 and we played three different games. Those games included Batman Arkham City, Skyrim and Fable II. We played for 20 minutes and then looked at the chart then 30 then an hour.
Results: Ryan and I found out that video games do effect your eyesight but not as much as people make it out to be.
Conclusion: I learnt that you should not play video games all the time because it can hurt your eyes.  

What did you do well last year?
We got into the next category in the science competition.
What did you find difficult last year?
I found that the presenting of the board was hard because I had to find all the

My topic this year:
Hover shoes.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Natural Skills by Greg O'connell

Complaint Letter

30 18th Avenue
Tuesday 15th April 2014

Dear Internet and Gaming cafe,

My mum and dad purchased a model from the down town Tauranga Internet and Gaming store 4 years ago at the price of $28 of Master Chief, from the hit Xbox game series HALO. They brought the model for me on my birthday and when I took the model carefully out of the package Master Chief's leg fell off and I could not get a replacement because my dad did not receive a receipt. In my opinion you should have at least tried to fix the product when my dad took the model down.

Yours sincerely 
Trey Leggatt.

Sunday, 13 April 2014



Au revoir.

Thank you=

Count from 0 - 10=

1=un 2=deux 3=trois 4=quater 5=cinq 6=six 7=sept 8=huit 9=neuf 10=dix

My name is=
Je m' appelle Trey.

France is the capital of Europe.
Paris is the city of love.
Paris is famous for the Eiffel Tower.
France's flag colours are blue, white and red.
France is home to the croissants.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Poetry Tips

Tip 1=When you are reciting poetry you need to be confident or at least look like you are confident.
Tip 2=You need to keep eye contact with the crowd.
Tip 3=Relax and just be calm.
Tip 4=Make sure you are speaking loud enough so the back can hear you but not too loud that you will hurt someones ears.

Khan Academy

His real name is Seil Khan.

He is 35 years old.

Khan got funded by Bill Gates.

Khan streams world wide.

Khan educates children at different levels of education.

Khan has over 3,000 videos.

He says he will never charge people to use his videos.

Bill Gates became a fan of Khan because his kids used his videos.

Khan started his videos in 2004.

He used to work in a closet which he set up as an office.

He makes his lessons easy to under stand.

He also has simple exercises.

Bill Gates got him a team to help him with his website.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Chinese Tones

What is pinyin?
A pinyin is a different way of writing the Chinese language.

Chinese is a tonal language. What does this mean?
It means that there is a few tones that help

How many tones are there?
There are four tones in the Chinese language.

Tone 1
-High flat sound
Tone 2
-Rising sound
Tone 3
-Down and up
Tone 4
-Down angry.

Finish this sentence: Chinese characters don’t show how words should sound.

What does ba (tone 1) mean?

It means the number eight

What does ba (tone 4) mean?
It means Dad.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Student lead conference

At the conference it went well I had to go threw all my scores and My dad said I did well and that i needed to do my home work so I can do better in my school work and My incentive is if I do homework every night in the week I will get a comic book from the comic book store. He also said that I need to work on checking my writing so that I can get better at writing.

There They're and Their

When should you use there?
You use there when you are trying to point to something or trying to get someone to se something.
E.G "Look over there!"
E.G "No not there, there!"

When should you use their?
You use their when it's someone possession.
E.G "It's their bag so don't touch it"
E.G "Don't steal their bag!!!!!!!"

When should you use they're?
You use they're when you are saying they are.
E.G "They're getting away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
E.G "They're going to evade you!!!!!!!!!"

There their and they're try this I got 90%.
There VS their VS they're Try this too I got them all right.


Poetry: Here is the poem AWA
There is no rhyme is this poem.
There is a rhythm in this poem.
The tone is grey and the mood is grey
The personification is about the river and that it has a tongue and has human features.
Enjambment= At the river's mouth
Greg O'connell, the author was born in Oamaru. Also his father used to be a carpenter. He also went to a Catholic primary school.

Film Making: