Sunday, 30 March 2014

Chinese Characters

How many Chinese characters are there altogether?
There are 50,000.

How many characters does an educated person know?
They would know about 8,000.

How old are Chinese characters?
Chinese characters have been around for over 3,500.

Why are some Chinese characters called pictographs?
They are called that because of the Characters appearance resembles the thing itself.

What 2 characters join together to make ‘good’?
women and child.

What 2 characters join together to make ‘television’?
Vision and electric.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Picture Message

Here is the photo.
Book vs movie
It is about which is better books or movies. I personally think that book is better because it is more detailed and you get to use your imagination to think of what you are reading looks like. On the other hand movies are good to because it is more entertaining to watch and relax and just be lazy. I think the photo is about film vs book because there is more ice under water than there is on the surface so the book can tell more while the movie is limited.

Here is the next photo.
it is about leadership. I think it is that because of the red man with all the others around him listing to him and he has his hand up so I think he is trying to encourage a team for a game of some kind or something like that. Or the other reason is that the men are crowding the guy to make fun of him when he is trying to be cool.

Here is the next photo.
Messy tenant
I think that the photo is about the frustration of a person who is renting their house out and sees this in the house. on the other hand it could be about a person who has been to lazy to clean or to pick up anything and is just does not want to do anything and sits on a game console all day long.

Here is the photo I found.
Jump off bridge.
This is about the saying if your friend jumps of fa bridge would you do it to. On the other hand it could be about some friend who just want to experience the thrill of jumping off a bridge.


Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Fact and Opinion

How can you tell the difference between fact and opinion?

A fact is where you can show someone something like for example [he has one nose]. He does have one nose as you can see so it is a fact. An opinion is where you can not show some body something for example [Nightwing is the best superhero in the word]. You can not show that to someone and someone else might say that Batman is the best superhero in the world so it is an opinion.

I will now do 3 facts and 3 opinions about Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola cans are red.
Coca-Cola has sugar in it.
I like Coca-Cola.
Coca-Cola is the best drink in the world.
Coca-Cola is the worst drink in the world.
Coca-Cola will rot my brain.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Sound Cloud Test

My favourite Computer Game [Assassins Creed]

Assassins Creed franchise is based in the olden days. The first game Assassin Creed was about an assassins called Altiar who was born into a creed who fought for freedom and peace and there motto was Nothing is true everything is permitted. The assassins were in war with people known as the Templar who claimed to fight for peace, but in truth they are bent on the concur of the world.

In Assassins Creed II,Brotherhood, and Revelations you are a new assassin named Ezio Auditore who was a normal seventeen year old who was brought into the greed by his father just before he died. Ezio has been fighting along side the creed for many years.

Other than that I do not know much about Assassins Creed III and Assassins Creed IV Black Flag because I have not completed the game. It is my favourite franchise because of the fact that the game has fluid motion and it is based on stealth and it is available on Xbox 360, PC, Ps3.


Sunday, 23 March 2014

Kia Kaha lesson one

                                                                      Constable Den

1. What is Bullying?
-To hurt our feelings or our body

2. Types of Bullying                                                                    How
-Verbal                                                                                        -Victim
-Physical                                                                                     -Bullies
-Peer pressure                                                                             -Bystanders
-Cyber                                                                                        -Isolation

Missing Malaysia Airplane Disaster

What was the flight number?
The flight number was MH370.
How long has the plane been missing?
It has been two weeks since the airline has been missing.
How many people were on the plane?
There was 239 people on the plane.
Where was the plane headed?
The plane was headed to Beijing.
Where did the plane start from?
The plane left from Kuala Lumpur.
Was there any kind of distress call?
There was no distress call.
have investigators found any trace of the plane?
The Investigators have not found a trace of anything so far.
How is the public taking to the situation?
Some relatives of the people on the plane have threatened to go on a hunger strike due to the lack of information.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Picture Story

I was on my wayWest_Coast_Woods_Model_Home_-_Portland_Oregon.jpg past the local shop_hillcrest.jpg when ka-boom-2-gary-grayson.jpg. An explosion came from inside the shop, I ran into the shop to see if anyone was hurt. I walked into the shop and two guys attacked me, thefighting-kids.jpghad begun. I tried to beat them but they were too derek-poundstone-strongman1.jpgand I ran away to call the 338-0823222234-riot-cops-rnc.jpg 

They took down the men who were robbing the shop_hillcrest.jpgand I just went home and played some ps3.jpg     THE END

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Fines for not wearing life jackets

1. Who is the main person or group of people in this news article?
A group of people in Hawkes Bay and Mr Norman, the harbour master that watches over the harbour for safety.
2. What was the key event from the news article?
A group of people were fined for not wearing their life jackets
3. Where did this event take place?
In Hawkes Bay
4. When did this event take place?
March 11th 2014
5. Why did this event happen?
Because of the safety of people while boating
6. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?
Mr Norman, said that the people fined were seen putting their life jackets on only as they entered the harbour in the hope to not get caught.
7. Use the Dictionary in the bottom right hand corner to find the meaning of 3 words from the article.
regulations=A rule or law.
vessel=A boat or a form of water transport.
insists=A form of requesting.

Thursday, 13 March 2014


The word 'too' is used as a substitute for also, E.G I can see you too [also].
Too has two meanings one of them is it is a substitute for also and the other meaning is it can be used as very E.G I was not too happy when I broke my leg.

My mum was not too happy with me.
I am going now are you coming too.

Here are some links to play
Two to and too
Classroom two to and too

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Apostrophes Teacher

The task I had to do yesterday was I had to teach another person in my class how to use an apostrophe.

What went well= He listened and was really focussed and I taught him a lot and he did really well.

What didn't go well= He kept back chatting me and he would tell me I was wrong at times when I was right.

What did I realise was that my student did need a little bit of time to get focussed and that he had to get in the zone and that he would drift off into never land at time and would not listen to my voice.

Here are some practice links for you to try
Beat the clock
Where does it go
Quiz 2
Quiz 3

How to vomit in space

It would also be hard to eat, drink, move around, go to the toilet and play a board game in space.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Snake eats Croc After 5 hour battle


The Snake was victorious, the crocodile didn't stand a chance.

One small step for lion, but a giant leap for the pack.

Monday, 10 March 2014

NFC Tags

An NFC tag is a wireless badge that sends data to your smart phone by a little microchip that can store little bits of information and a tiny arial sends the information to your smartphone. They can be used for google wallet witch means that you can pay for some thing at a shop by swiping his phone The NFC tags are being used in shopping centres to stop shoplifting. Almost anything can be transmitted such as website addresses and so on. There is a limit to the tags on the other hand, it can only be transmitted from a few centimetres away. The NFC tags can only transmit to smartphones which means no iphones can use it.

The good thing about NFC tags is that they have the ability to help prevent shoplifting.
A weakness is that it can only transmit a couple of centimetres away.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Your and You're

1. Your and You're are Homophones because they are pronounced the same but have different meanings and are spelled different.

2. You use "your" when you are saying something that is someone else's like "your comic."
You use you're when you are saying something on the lines of "you're wrong."

3. Write 3 example sentences using your and 3 example sentences using you’re. These sentences should be about YOU and your life.

"You need to use your soap Trey."
"You're using too much soap Trey"

"Trey, Your dog needs to be feed."
"Trey!!! You're not listening to me."

"Trey your comic is in good condition."
"You're good at keeping comic clean."

4. Write 2 sentences OF YOUR OWN which contain both your and you’re.

"Your leg is broken and you're taking it very well."
"Trey, you're feeding your cat right."

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

12 Years a Slave

12 Years a slave trailer

12 years a slave is a movie about a man named Sullivan who was a free man and with a family, he was then kidnapped by a bunch of men who was forced to be a slave. The movie was based in the 1800's.
It is based on a book that was based on a true story. He was forced to slave away for the white people by building sheds harvesting crops and a whole lot more, but Sullivan never gave up hope, all the slaves there told him to survive you have to say and do as little as possible. He told himself he would not fall into despair. It was hard to think that though because if you do not do enough work you get whipped.
The slave traders were mean and horrible to the slaves. The movie is very emotional and if you want to see it bring some tissues.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

The Oscars 2014

The best movie was 12 Years a Slave.
The best Actor was Matthew McConaughey.
The best Actress was Cate Blanchett.
Best supporting Actor mean when someone is not the lead but is a secondary role.

Best Cinematography

Best Costume Design

Best Directing

Best Documentary Feature

The trophy Is a golden man on a podium  who is holding a sword.


Best dress in my opinion 

Monday, 3 March 2014


When I got home from Camp

"Trey!!! Time to hang out your camp clothes."
"Don't take that tone with me."
"But you were yelling at me."
"Hurry up and hang out your clothes!!!!!!!!!!!."

About the food at camp with Nolan

"This food is yuck."
"No I love this food."
"What is wrong with you."
"I find that hard to believe."
We both laugh.

About Tech With Miss C

"Hi Miss C, What tech group am I in this week?"
"You silly little boy look on your emails I sent you the link."
"Ok, I will have a look Thank you."

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Camp advice

1. Always remember one on the trampoline at a time.

2. Don't sleep next to people that are talkers because they will keep you up all night.

3. Remember to make sure you are not on the paint ball list because Mr Hart will hit you with a paint ball gun.

4. Alway keep your head up and try to aim well in paint ball before you shoot.

5. While rafting look how the rocks are placed before you step on them or you will get hurt.

6. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!